Tuesday 22 September 2009

Summary of the week

This week my main strength has been using Dreamweaver, as I have had previous experience using it. I shall try to improve my weakness which is using Photoshop as I found it difficult to understand how to make pictures smaller in size in Kilobytes with keeping the same picture viewable at the same time. I hope to improve my use of skills using Adobe Photoshop throughout my course.

Sunday 20 September 2009

Day 3 17th September 2009

Today I began using Dreamweaver and started the creation of my website, using my improved version of my storyboard. I felt confident using Dreamweaver and began selecting a template for our group to use together, images were then inserted into the design which had been edited to be less than 100kb in size using Adobe Photoshop.

Tuesday 15 September 2009

Day 2 September 15th 2009

The day began with us meeting at the Dockside Outlet and gethering information for our specific category of stores, which was Home & Garden. We went to a range of shops and took pictures to gain a rough idea of what they sold. We then came back to the college and began our websites with the creation of our storyboard to what the layout would like. In our groups after we had all completed this task we presented them to the class and they were evaluated, we were told what could be improved and we amended it to make it better.

Day 1 14th September 2009

The first day was very good, met a lot of new people and obviously I met my new teachers. We began with a activity remembering each others names and then slowly moved onto careers and options after college, leading onto universities. After lunch we were introduced to our first assignment which would involve us in groups of 4 to promote a base of shops using data collected from them and using this information to create a website. We couldn't begin any designs as the power kept cutting out :).